Interested homebuyers must meet all 5 criteria listed here:
Be a First-Time Homebuyer (haven’t owned a home in the last three years)
Attend a CHFA Certified Home Buyers Workshop
Have a Household Income At or Below 80% of Area Median Income for El Paso County:
Work with one of our qualified lenders to obtain a Conventional, Fixed Rate, 30-Year Mortgage for 70-80% of purchase price, and contribute 1% of the purchase price or $1,000 (whichever is greater) towards the purchase.
Contact: Sarah Rathke, (719) 638-4159
1010 Baptist Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80921
LeaderOne Financial
Contact: Todd Grizzell, (719) 599-4150
5525 N. Union Blvd #203, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Click here to contact Todd!
Novus Home Mortgage
Contact: Brian Enloe, (719) 339-9154
20935 Swensen Dr. Suite 420, Waukesha , WI 53186
(updated 12/15/2024)